How to Install Veeva CRM
Quickly see how to install Veeva CRM on iPad and get up and running. Veeva CRM is the leader in CRM solutions for Life Sciences and Conexus Solutions enables that technology along with other operational and commercial support for Life Sciences. Visit Conexus at for more information.
The Team Behind Your Team
The Team Behind Your Team - Let Conexus make your job easier.
Cloud Services Overview
Learn more about our Cloud Services offerings
Data Science & Insights Overview
Conexus offers data management and related services that help life sciences companies make more informed, data-driven decisions.
Video Training Service
Conexus video training services provide Life Sciences companies with engaging learning options. Our Interactive Training Services take training videos to the next level with engaging content, interactive elements and professional production.
Learning Cloud Introduction
Introducing Conexus Solutions' Learning Cloud - an interactive video training series covering Veeva CRM, Veeva Vault, PDMA, HIPAA and more. This service is designed for Life Sciences. It provides on-demand video access to core topics that drive productivity.